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The ISS’s New Crew Member Is an AI Drone

The International Space Station (ISS) is getting its first form of artificial intelligence (AI), a flying intelligent drone named Cimon. Cimon stands for Crew Interactive Mobile Companion.

The droid is a medicine ball-sized device and weighs about 5kg. It will be joining the crew at the ISS as a companion to a European astronaut, the German geophysicist Alexander Gerst, later this year.

The flying drone is eerily similar to other space-based intelligent companions, like Holly from the TV show Red Dwarf.

Cimon has a digital face and voice and is set to assist Gerst on different tasks during his time at the ISS.

Designed by Airbus and fitted with IBM’s AI Watson, it will be helping the astronauts with experiments on the space station.

For instance, Cimon will partake in a complex medical experiment where he will act as an intelligent flying camera.

As well, Gerst and Cimon will be carrying out an experiment with crystals and attempt to solve the Rubik magic cube based on videos.

The developers hope that Cimon will be an interactive assistant to the astronauts and help to reduce their stress as well as improve efficiency.

In addition, Cimon should help enhance safety on the ISS, as the drone can serve as an early warning system in case of any technical problems.

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